Hey guys of the internet, Casber5007 here. Today I am reviewing SimCity buildit. The newest addition to the iOS versions of SimCity. For starters this is alot different to the other smcity that for some reason i can't find!
SimCity buildit is like a baby version of the computer ones. The storys are similar and the fetures are as well. So if your new to SimCity and dont know what it is, you start a town from scratch. Small caravan parks can turn into skyscrappers. You can build factorys that make the resorces to build your city. Once you get to a certain population you unlock the trading depot, where you can trade with other people. You can also get keys from natural disasters and loading boats.
On thing that annoyed me is when my town got bigger you have to add fire stations and dumps and things like that. My sims where moving out because i didnt have enough money to buy those things. Come on EA, a bit of notice would of been nice.
It dosent take long to get high on levels and population. I played it nonstop the first day i got it and got to level 8. And at thd time of writing i am up to level 11 with a population of nearly 2700.
Overall this game is a must but gets a bit boring ( for me ) after awhile. Im going to rate it 7 / 10 golden nuggets.
Lastly if you have anything to ask us like game suggestions or just a simple question feel free to email us at thegamlings@gmail.com.
By Casber5007
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