Well this is RDR undead nightmare. The Mexican zombie shooter where i am addicted! RDR UN is a DLC to the original RDR and even though i haven't played the original i still love this game! ( i bought it in a separate disk than the original RDR. ) all the gory moments when you rip the heads of those stinking zombies. My favourite part about this game is the horses. After your original horse dies you get undead horses. Once those horses dies you can collect " undead horse eyes and undead horse hearts. " that feeling you get when you collect them is hilarious. One thing that was annoying to me was the grave yard scenes those sneaky zombies that get harder and fatter! The first scene your wife and son get turned into zombies, i blame the son for this because he was reading a monster book when your uncle came and ate them! But all in all i adore this game. I would recommend this to anyone but be aware that it is MA 15+ ( in Australia. ) i will rate this 9 out of 10 golden nuggets!
Lastly if you have anything to ask us like game suggestions or just simple questions feel free to email us at thegamlings@gmail.com.
By Casber5007
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